Tag: torticollis

Like a cool new necklace

When Brooke was about 2 months old we started physical therapy for a condition called torticollis.  Since then we’ve had X-rays, CT scans, visits to a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon & pediatric ophthalmologist to determine that her tort is congenital and not the result of bone abnormalities or vision issues.  The physical therapy has shown us great results but she still has a stubborn 5° tilt. 

Tilt Compare

So our next step is using a TOT collar.  Since Brooke seems to be physically able to hold her head midline, her physical therapist believes that she may hold her head tilted out of habit.  Tilted is normal to her.  Hopefully this collar will “re-train” her to keep her head midline on her own!

She was fitted for her collar yesterday and when she came out with her physical therapist, she strutted out like she had just been given the prettiest new necklace and wanted to show it off!!  No signs that it bothered her at all.  We had our first go with it at home last night and I fortunately had good results.  She ate a snack, played and hardly seemed to notice it at all.

TOT Collage

It’s hard to see my baby wearing it but I’m so relieved that she’s adjusting to it so well!