Tag: milestones

Turned Around

Recently, I’d helped some friends figure out car seat options when I realized I hadn’t checked to see if Brooke was still below her seat’s max weight for rear-facing.

Rear-Facing for the Last Time

As I’d feared, she now weighs too much to safely ride rear-facing so the moment I’d put off as long as I could had finally shown itself and smacked me in the face.

That weekend we switched her seat around forward-facing.

It has since become clear that it will take some time to adjust to this new setup. What I’ve discovered so far:

  • There is no sneaking food or drink by the front passengers because Miss Brooke sees all
  • Speaking of seeing all, she also has a new perspective out the windows which leads to a barage of “What’s that, Mommy?” or “Mommy, more cows!!”.
  • I am now reminded and then commanded to “Stop” as soon as she sees a stop sign – no matter how far from it we are. This week she even critiqued my stop.
Forward-facing and Being Silly

When did my baby become a little kid????

20 months old!

Brooke is 20 months old today.  Time is flying while we’re having fun!!


She started a little slow but she has been consistently adding new words to her vocabulary.  We’re not sure whether to attribute that to her new daycare (which we love!) or if something just clicked for her and she was finally ready.  Some favorite words: hi, bye bye, puppy, Sheed, up, sit, baby, nose, ball, shoes, Daddy, Mama…I’m sure I’m forgetting some.

In addition to speaking new words, she’s learning new signs at daycare as well.  She pretty consistently signs "Thank you" without prompting and is getting better with "please".  She’s so polite!!  “More”, “milk”, & “eat” get lots of usage around our house too.

Brooke ReadingShe’s recently become obsessed with books and reading.  She is always coming up to one of us with a book or two in her hand and telling us to “sit”.  It’s hard to say no to that!  On a typical night she takes 3-4 books to bed with her and will read them until she gets tired and finally lays down to go to sleep.

The little things she picks up on just blow our mind.  She noticed that I slap my thigh when I call Sheed so now she does it too.  Combined with how she says “Sheed”, its pretty adorable.

Birds have become a favorite “animal”.  She points them out just about anywhere we are.  One day on the way home from school she spotted a bird in a tree while we were stopped at a traffic light.  Man was she mad at me when the light turned green and I started to drive away.  I even changed her My Pal Violet settings to say her favorite animal is a “bird” and she gets excited to hear Violet say it.

Its been so fun to watch our little sponge soak up everything around her.  I can’t believe she’s only 4 months from being a 2 year old!!!

Milestone Moment – First Skinned Knee

Walking through the parking lot on our way to physical therapy last Thursday, Miss Brooke tripped a little and fell to her knees.  Usually she’ll hop right back up when she falls but you could tell this was more of an “owie” than normal.

Quick peek showed that she had her first skinned knee.  She was a trooper though and was happy again in no time!!
