Tag: couch to 5K

Yesterday, I ran

I stepped up on the treadmill. My Couch to 5K app was up and ready. Headphones plugged in and ready to rock. I pushed start on the treadmill and the app and began my brisk warm-up walk.

The clock was approaching the 5 minute mark when I would do the first run portion of today’s training.

I glanced at the cute skinny blonde on the treadmill next to me. A pang of self-doubt hit me as I imagined all the snarky things she could think of me if I tried to run.

Luckily, something in me pushed aside the negative dialogue and replaced it with positive.

“What does it matter what she thinks?” “You have to start somewhere” “Don’t put it off”

So when the voice in my headphones said “Start to Run”, I did. For a full minute. And I didn’t die.

For twenty minutes, I alternated walking and running. My left shin hurt and I felt awkward. I wondered if the people around me could tell.

After the 30 minute C25K program was done, I headed over to the elliptical. That machine and my thighs do not get along. But I’ve challenged myself to go a little longer each time I’m on it. Yestrday I went from 7 to 10 minutes!!

After 15 more minutes on the treadmill to cool down, I called it quits for the day and wondered why, of all days, was today the day we forgot our water bottles?