Category: Tired Mommy’s Tales

That Time Brooke was on the Front Page of the Houston Chronicle Website

I’ve shared before that ever since Brooke was born, we enjoyed getting her cowgirl-ed up for Go Texan Day. We lived in Houston and it was easy to get swept up in the Rodeo spirit.  It was right outside our door…well, okay 2 blocks away!

Our Houston pride didn’t go away when we moved to Tennessee last year. We still dressed Brooke up and started to teach her about her roots as a native Houstonian, the Rodeo and Go Texan Day.  We were pretty nostalgic about it to be honest.

This year was no different. We pulled out her authentic, pearl-snap cowgirl shirt and slipped on her boots.  She really got into too and found her cowgirl hat, complete with sparkly tiara. We had a quick photo opp on the back porch and headed off to school.

Later that morning, I saw a tweet from the Houston Chronicle.


I sent Keith a message asking “should I do it?”  He emphatically said “Yes!” so I emailed the photo and got back to work.

A couple hours of later, Keith forwarded me an email from one of our friends in Houston. He had seen Brooke’s photo on the first page of the Houston Chronicle’s website! He sent us a screenshot of her photo being featured in the Entertainment section on the lower half of the screen. By the time I looked, it had switched to something about the Pink concert the night before. I was so bummed that I had missed seeing it in person.

One page refresh later though, Brooke was the picture at the very top of the page!!

Isn’t that cool?!?!  It was definitely a rush for Keith and I!  We’re making our mark in Houston even after we’ve moved away!!

And if you want to see the full cowgirl outfit:

Brooke Has Something to Say

Hello Baby Girl!
Hello Baby Girl!

Winner of the Guess the Gender Amazon Giveaway

Guess the Gender Giveaway Winner

Although she did not guess the correct gender, Jessica’s entry was chosen as the winner! I will be emailing you shortly with your Amazon gift code!!

*Disclosure: Winner was chosen by the “And the Winner Is…” plugin. Prize was not provided by any outside party**

It’s not too late to submit guesses on when Baby will be born, weight, length…all that fun stuff! Click the graphic below to go to the ExpectNet game.

11 Things about my Valentine

This is the 11th Valentine’s Day since I’ve met my hubby. So I will tell you 11 things I love about him…

I love…that he puts up with my procrastination, distractability and all my other ADD tendencies
I love…that he agrees to try ideas he initially thinks are crazy (cloth diapering, car seat guidelines, natural birth)
I love…that he so good at his job

Ticket guys hard at work at Texas Bowl 2007

I love…that he has the motivation and determination to get up and go the gym at 5:30 almost every morning
I love…the new muscles that come from said time at the gym *wink,wink*
I love…that he won a new Kindle Fire HD at his conference in California and is going to share with me!
I love…how he is crazy passionate and loyal to his sports teams

Doesn’t everyone do this??

I love…how he loves on Brooke and even took her on an awesome daddy/daughter trip last fall

Daddy/Daughter roadtrip included a Tigers game!! Complete with face painting, carousel ride and a lap around the bases!

I love…how he kept our household functioning when I was saddled with morning sickness
I love…how he is always WAY off when he tries to guess who actors/actresses are on TV and in movies

I love…that he brought me with him on this journey from Michigan to Houston to Knoxville, made me a wife and mommy and continues to make me love him more every day.

Love you baby!!