Category: Tired Mommy’s Tales

My Oh My, It’s the Third Tri

30 weeks

I’ve been slacking a little on my updates…I’m kinda in that stage that not a whole lot changes so haven’t really felt like I had enough blog-worthy to share. I’m not too terribly uncomfortable yet, still have energy, can sleep at night, all that good stuff. And looking back, I don’t remember a time at the end of my pregnancy with Brooke when I was just ready for it to be over. Hopefully that will be the case this time too.

Yesterday was the 30 week mark and I’ve been in my third trimester for 2 weeks now. I can’t believe we are 10 weeks or less from having this baby! Ack!! At the same time, a couple friends of ours have had their babies and I’m jealous that they’re snuggling their newborns. Guess ya can’t win for losin’!

I had a midwife appointment at 28 weeks and Baby Girl’s heartbeat sounded good and we measured exactly on target. Yes, I measured right on so everyone who keeps asking if I’m going to go any day now…NO! I have two months to go! My next appointment we’ll get one more ultrasound and I’m looking forward to seeing Baby Girl a little bigger! I’m curious how big they’ll estimate her to be.

FYI: Fruit Punch is better than Orange!!

I did have issues with the results of my 1 hour glucose test so had to go back a couple days later and do the 3-hour. Not that I was expecting it to be a spa day but it wasn’ t fun.  The first hour really hit me hard and I felt yucky, for lack of a better word.  I was sleepy, jittery, naseous…yuck!  I was worried about it until the lady drawing my blood told me that most people will have some kind of reaction which makes sense when you figure you ingest 100g of glucose in less that 10 minutes.  I haven’t heard anything from the birth center so I’m choosing to assume that meant everything was fine. No news is good news, right?

While Keith’s parents were in town they helped get Baby Girl’s dresser assembled. Now I just need to start putting some clothes and stuff in there. I also took some time over the weekend to inventory the cloth diapers we already have, what we have on our registry, and what we might still need to add.

I’ve started realizing that now is the time to really start thinking about getting my mind and body ready for labor. I’ve been drinking lots more water and raspberry leaf tea, getting out and walking during breaks at work, reading birth books (I’m working on this one right now). One of the midwives I saw recently suggested working on relaxation techniques so I’ve been taking nice warm baths whenever I have the chance since I plan to take advantage of the birthing tubs during labor. I also REALLY need to get on the ball and get a doula lined up. I think that will be my goal by the end of the month!

If you haven’t yet, you can still place a guess on what Baby Girl’s birth stats will be on the ExpectNet poll!

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Easter Basket Goodies Without the Sugar Crash

Easter Basket Goodies without the Sugar Rush

Since becoming mom, I’ve become less than a fan of “candy” holidays. And now that I think about it, it seems every holiday has become a candy holiday. When Brooke was little, it was a little easier to avoid candy because for one, she didn’t know what it was and B, she didn’t know to be expecting anything.

It’s gotten a little more challenging as she’s gotten older and the influence from TV, other kids and remember years past but I’ve come up some ideas to keep your kids’ Easter baskets from being a sugar crash waiting to happen.

Dot Paints

Play Dough & Accessories
Melissa and Doug Shape, Model & Mold Clay Play


Cookie Cutters

Matchbox Cars

Playing Cards & Card Games
Melissa and Doug Smarty Pants - Preschool Card Set

Hair accessories


Child’s Bible or Easter books


Sidewalk Chalk & Bubbles
Melissa and Doug Tootle Turtle Bubbles

Jump Rope, Frisbee or other Outdoor Toys
Melissa and Doug Clicker Crab Toss & Grip Game for Kids

Kid-sized Garden Tools
Melissa and Doug Blossom Bright Kids' Gardening Tote Set

Seed starter kits or seed packets

Bath Time Fun

Stuffed Animals

What other ideas do you have? Leave me a comment with some of the things you’re planning to put in your kiddos baskets this year!

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Currently – Pi Day

Watching – Archer, We just got into this show this winter and breezed through the 1st and 2nd season on Netflix before the 4th premiered. The 3rd season just became available on Netflix and Keith and I have watched at least an episode a night since. It’s not PC in the least so be prepared to laugh at things you know you really shouldn’t.
Craving – Pie, thanks to scrolling through my Instagram feed (Happy Pi Day!) I’m not usually a huge pie fan but right now, I want my mom’s chocolate chip pie (w/ ice cream on top, of course), some banana cream or maybe lemon meringue…wonder if Keith will be mad at me for bringing a pie home tonight??

Looking – Out the window behind my desk anxiously waiting for Spring! Last weekend’s weather was so nice that I’ve totally got the itch for warmer weather. I’m ready to pull out my flip flops and capris and feel some sun on my skin!

Still looking a little brown but we’re getting there!

Loving – Cloth Diaper Deals & Giveaways, It’s true – buying fluff gets addictive but one of the reasons we do it is to save money so I gotta be smart about it. So I’m constantly on the hunt for a good deal and entering giveaways and actually having fun doing it!

Planning – Our Garden, I say I’m going to every year but this year, we’re doing it! I kinda want to plant all.the.veggies! but am going to remember to start small. Looking forward to some tomatoes and green peppers, maybe some peas for Brooke…yum!

Joining the Currently Link-Up cohosted by Ot and Et and Harvesting Kale