Category: Tired Mommy’s Tales

Our Angel Baby

Last fall, on September 8th, I saw two lines on a home pregnancy test. Faint but they were there.

On September 17th, we gave up hope that the pregnancy would last.

In my gut, I knew there was a reason the lines on the many pregnancy tests I took were not getting any darker. It didn’t stop me from looking for reassurance on the Internet that it was possible that it meant nothing, a full term pregnancy could still happen. But deep down, I knew.

Blood was drawn and each time, I had to tell the nurse why.

“I think I’m losing my baby”

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Rememberance Day

Today is recognized as Infant & Pregnancy Loss Rememberance Day. Unfortunately, this affects more families than I think most people are aware.

In the grand scheme, I believe I was fortunate that my experience wasn’t as bad as it could have been. It happened very early on. I sensed something wasn’t right from the beginning. I didn’t suffer physically. We got pregnant again only a few weeks later. So many have it much worse.

My heart aches for those whose circumstances are more trying. Even when you know you didn’t do anything wrong or that there was a reason your baby didn’t survive, there is a hole in your heart that won’t ever be filled.

The hardest part for me is the wondering. Was that baby a boy or a girl? Would there be as much resemblance to Brooke? What milestone would be reached today or tomorrow?

There are times I feel like its wrong to have those thoughts. After all, if that baby had survived, Leah wouldn’t be in our lives and its hard to imagine life without her.

But its only natural to wonder about what could have been and it doesn’t mean I don’t treasure Leah with every ounce of my being.

Tonight, folks around the world will light a candle at 7pm their local time, participating in the International Wave of Light to honor and remember those babies lost in pregnancy or early in their short lives. I will be doing so and invite you to as well.

Have you or someone close to you experience the loss of a pregnancy or infant? Feel free to share your story in the comments.

Currently – Birthday Parties and Mom Hair


I’m looking forward to this weekend. Brooke’s birthday party is Saturday and both Saturday and Sunday afternoon she will be performing with her Gymnastics Showteam at the Foothills Fall Festival. My parents are coming to town for both and I’m excited to see them and for them to see how much the girls have grown since they were here in July.

This year, I said no to a Pinterest-y birthday party. I’m making little to nothing myself – and I have no shame about it. I made the invitation and I think that’s it. We’re holding the party at Brooke’s gymnastics club and there’s not enough time for a lot of food or activites besides playing in the gym. We ordered cupcakes and plan to grab a veggie & fruit/cheese tray for parents to snack on while kids play. Bottles of water and jugs of apple cider will be thrown in a cooler. I’ll print some coloring pages for kids who don’t want to play in the gym or need a break. I ordered medals from Amazon as a “favor”. I intend to spend my time watching Brooke and her friends have fun and celebrate my sweet 5 year old instead of filling plates, clearing trash, and all that stuff that doesn’t matter in the long run.

Easiest invitations ever – Use PicMonkey or iPiccy to edit it like a picture. Have 4x6s printed at your nearest 1-hour photo. Great for procrastinators like me!!

I’ve been wondering where the vibrant, pretty fall colors are. Its not lush green anymore and its seems like its gone straight to brown. I’m hopeful that its just early still and we’ll see beautiful oranges, reds and yellows still.

View from the window behind my cubicle. Where are the fall colors?!?

Spending time in the Mommy Room pumping three times a day means I need some boredom busters. My favorite is playing What’s the Phrase. It’s like Wheel of Fortune which I personally think I’m pretty awesome at. I still regret not going to the Wheel of Fortune auditions that were in Knoxville last year. If you want to play too, I’d love to beat play you! I’m username Spartyguard.

I’m guilty of mom hair…I’m always wearing it in a ponytail. I’ve probably dried it a handful of times in the past 6-8 months. I did have it down a couple nights ago and hubby oh-so-nicely informed me that its too long. And he told me again a couple nights ago when I took the ponytail out of my hair briefly to re-ponytail it. So I need a hair reboot. I think I’ll go pretty short but I like having the option to ponytail if I want. #firstworldproblems here!!

This was my last hair style…been told I should do it again. Yay or nay?