Category: Tired Mommy’s Tales

Weekly Meal Plan – February 1, 2015

The first month of 2015 has come and gone but I’m still committed to being more intentional – my ONE WORD for the year. I’ve gotten my meal plan done just about every week but haven’t had the time to post them up here.

Yesterday I was a rock start and got so much done – including prepping for this week’s meals. The Chicken Noodle Casserole is something we had for dinner last week but I made two so we’re eating the extra one this week. Chili has been made and is in the fridge. I’m hoping to get the Turkey Meatloaf Bites made today.

In my Day In The Life post earlier this week, I mentioned that even though it was a Thursday, which we’ve designated as Grilled Cheese & Popcorn Night, we had breakfast burritos due to the lack of bread in the pantry. Those breakfast burritos were a hit so we’re making those a much more regular thing! Right now I’m putting them in Fridays to alternate with pizza nights. I’ll probably also keep them on deck for nights that are busy for one reason or another.

Needless to say, I’m feeling good going into this week!! Here’s the meal plan:

Meal Plan February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sunday – Brats & hot dogs, chicken wings and assorted snacky stuff
Monday – Chicken Noodle Casserole from the freezer
Tuesday – Chili that’s waiting in the fridge
Wednesday – Cheesy Turkey Meatloaf Bites
Thursday – Grilled Cheese & Popcorn Night
Friday – Breakfast Burritos

Do you have a meal or two that you have every week? Or do you mix it up??

This menu plan is linked to Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday link up.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

Day In The Life – January 2015

One of the bloggers I follow does a Monthly “Day In The Life” post and I always enjoy them. I think its fun to see how other people manage their daily lives. Granted, one day only gives you a glimpse but still interesting nonetheless.

Since I enjoy getting a sneak peek into others’ daily routines, I thought it would be fine to start doing the same.

Day In The Life - Jan 2015

Here’s a day in my life – January 15th, 2015

I’ll be honest…I may have hit the snooze button a time or two this morning. I had showered the night before but sleeping on a wet head left me with some crazy hair so I was going to need extra time for styling – something I don’t do on the regular!

Before I knew it, I was joined by my first sleepy head. She went potty and played on her iPod for a bit while I finished getting dressed and doing my makeup.
Someone joins me

Then we headed down for our breakfast and devotional time. We both really enjoy having this one-on-one time every day. Breakfast & Devotional

After we finished eating, I sent Brooke upstairs to brush her teeth and hair while I packed up a few more things. I needed to put together my pump parts and throw something together for lunch. When I got upstairs, I picked out some clothes for Brooke and got started stuffing diapers. I get mad at myself every time I leave this for morning but I tend to do it anyway.
Stuffing Diapers

Keith typically will wake up Leah and get her dressed while I do my last minute things. Today I needed to fix the crazy that was my hair. When Keith and Brooke needed to leave for school, Leah got comfy watching cartoons while she waited for me to finish up. Leah waits

Pretty soon, I had finished my primping and prepping. Right before we left, Leah nursed and I caught up on The Chew on Hulu. I love that show and this is pretty much the only time I have to watch TV on a regular basis.
Morning Nursing

Then we get all bundled up and into the car! It’s about 15 minutes from our house to daycare and then about 10 from daycare to my office.
Leah Ready To Go

Finally I get to work and have a seat at my desk. The beginning of the year is a busy time for me because my main responsibility right now is to facilitate the implementation of new financial protection products (life insurance, disability insurance, etc.) To keep track of all the balls I have in the air, I took a few minutes to write down my main priorities for the day and map out how I was going to allocate my time between these tasks and the various meetings I had scheduled.

These printables are from Money Saving Mom (free on her site) and Life as Mom (fro her Organizing Life as Mom ebook)
Plan My Day

11:00 am is set aside on my calendar every day for a trip to the Mother’s Room. I really like having this little chunk of time every day to sit in a quiet room and read on the Kindle (this is when I’ve been keeping up with my Bible reading plans on the app) or scrowling through social media on my phone.
Mother's Room

Finally, the meetings were over and the clock hit 4:30 and it was time to go get my girls!! On my commutes I like to listen to podcasts, mostly about online business/entrepreneurship or motherhood. This day I was checking out Pat Flynn and Chris Drucker’s new podcast, The 1 Day Business Breakthrough Podcast.

First up, I pick up Leah! Then Brookie!! Brooke made paper cup “telephones” at her after-school program and Leah thought it was great fun that Brooke shared with her.
Pick up the Girls

Thursday nights our standing menu is Grilled Cheese and Popcorn. However, on this particular day, I found less than half a loaf of bread in the pantry when we got home. Oops!! I had to come up with an alternative quick and that turned out to be Breakfast Burritos!
Breakfast Burritos

After dinner, while we worked on cleaning up dinner, Keith and Brooke worked on spelling words. Leah just made trouble like an 18 month old does best!
Practice spelling

We had a little time to kill before it was jammie time so we played BUBBLES!! This is a favorite around our house lately.

Sleepy time! We divide and conquer with this task. Keith took the lead getting Brooke ready for bed and I got Leah. We nursed til she fell asleep and by about 9, I’d laid her down. This has been taking longer lately so I think some changes to our bedtime routine are coming.
Ready for Bed

At this point, I was exhausted and had forgotten that I was keeping track of what I was doing. Typically what happens is I come down and join Keith in the living room and watch TV until bedtime. I always have great intentions of blogging, prepping for the day before or working on a project but rarely do I follow through with that.

Somewhere between 10:00 and 11:00, I went to bed to rest up for the next day to do it all again!

I hope you enjoyed a small glimpse into a day in my life. If you enjoyed this type of post, please leave me a comment to let me know I should keep doing them. If not, let me know what else you’d like to see!!

Ultimate DIY Bundle is Here – but Almost Gone!

There aren’t enough hours in the day, right? With work, helping the kids with their homework, preparing meals, cleaning up after everyone and putting yet another load of laundry on, there’s very little time for sleep – let alone DIY and crafting!

But do you look at that bare wall in the den and that tatty tablecloth on the kitchen table, and just wish you had a few hours to do something about them? Or do you browse through those wonderful crafting successes on Pinterest and think to yourself that “one day” you’ll have a few more minutes to yourself so that you too can create something incredible?

You’re not alone – there’s a huge community of people out there who are feeling just as frustrated as you are!

Thankfully though, there’s an exciting new product to help you quickly and easily get into (or back into) the creative projects you’ve been desperate to start. It’s called The Ultimate DIY Bundle, and it’s a collection of carefully curated DIY and crafting eBooks and eCourses from the world’s leading authors and bloggers in the industry.

For the crazy low price of just $34.95, you get access to a carefully curated library of over 76 eBooks and eCourses. And let me reassure you that this really is great value: the Ultimate Bundles team (who produced the resource) has spent MONTHS seeking out the most respected experts in the industry and asking them to contribute their premium-quality eBooks and eCourses. These really are the best of the best when it comes to DIY and crafting advice and information.

Topics in the bundle include:

  • Home decor
  • Furniture painting
  • Photography
  • Chalk pastels
  • Handmade gifts
  • Homemade skincare products
  • Cake decorating
  • Photography and photo-editing
  • Paint colors and interior design
  • …and a whole lot more (76 eBooks and eCourses in total) – to help you be inspired or get started with your next DIY or crafting project!

There’s no need to worry about information overload though: The Ultimate DIY Bundle comes with a complete guide to getting started, so that you can know exactly which resource to use for your specific crafting or DIY project and jump straight into it with confidence!

Hurry though! The Ultimate DIY Bundle will only be on sale for 6 days – from 8am EST on Wednesday, January 21 until 11.59pm EST on Monday, January 26.

You can buy with complete confidence because you’re covered by the Ultimate Bundles 30-day money-back guarantee. That means you have a full 30 days to enjoy all the eBooks and eCourses in the bundle, and if you don’t think they provided enough value, you’ll get a full refund.

Not only that, but The Ultimate DIY Bundle comes with 5 awesome bonuses, worth over $150. That’s 4x the price of the bundle alone! These include…

A free $15 Store Credit PLUS 8×10 Art Print from Hope Ink ($43 Value), a free online class from Craftsy (up to $60 Value), free $15 store credit to, a free sewing pattern PLUS a Premium Video Class from UpCraft Club ($19.99 Value), and free, full digital copies of Where Women Create Magazine and Greencraft Magazine ($20 value) from Stampington and Co.

So, don’t miss your chance to grab The Ultimate DIY Bundle, and get 76 incredible eBooks and eCourses for just $34.95. All you need to do is take action by midnight on Monday, January 26!

This amazing deal ends in just…

Pick up your copy right now, before it’s too late. Or, learn more here.

Disclosure: I have included affiliate links in this post. Read the fine print about this bundle and read the answers to frequently asked questions about the bundle.