Category: Tired Mommy’s Tales

Weekly Meal Plan & Goals – November 23, 2015

Weekly Meal Plan & Goals – November 23, 2015

The countdown to Turkey Day is on. And like many others in America, I’m focused on my Thanksgiving menu. But from what I understand, I still need to feed my family the rest of the days this week too. However, I’m giving myself plenty of grace and keeping it simple.

Although two weeks ago, I came up with a great solution for feeding the girls and I in the short window before an extra-curricular activity, I’m planning to hit up the drive thru. We spent Saturday at Dollywood and Sunday we were all really spent and so doing lots of food prep just wasn’t a priority.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice other things to maintain your sanity. Let’s just hope it don’t regret it in a day or two!!!

Speaking of saving sanity, having a service like Plan To Eat is a great way to stay sane during “normal” weeks and when its time to plan for holiday meals. I slide the dishes I want to make into the planner and the ingredients automatically show up on my shopping list. And if you’re blessed enough to have a hubby who helps with the grocery shopping like me, its super easy to export your shopping list, copy & paste into an email and send it along. It’s even categorized for more efficient trips down the aisles.

You can get a free 30-day trial and be sure to check out the Black Friday Sale when yearly subscriptions are 50% off. That makes is $19.50 for the WHOLE YEAR!! The part I like best is that the sale is for new AND CURRENT subscribers!

Weekly Meal Plan & Goals

Meal Plan


Eggs in some form on school/work days
Biscuits & Gravy


Broccoli/Cheddar Soup
Thanksgiving Dinner Leftovers


Meatballs & Noodles
3-Cheese Macaroni & Cheese
Thanksgiving Dinner!!!
Slow Cooker Sloppy Joes
Stadium Fare at the Vols Football Game

This menu plan is linked to Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday link up.

Weekly Goals

Mail a “Thinking of You” note to a friend – I bought the cards but haven’t mailed them
Bible study 5 of 7 mornings – I kept up with my Bible reading plans. A WIN!!!
Lunches packed at night – I’m going to scratch this from my goals for right now. I might try it again in the future but right now, packing lunches in the morning isn’t a huge deal. I would still need to put the final touches on them in the morning so it feels like it would be double work to an extent.
2 blog posts & 1 YouTube video posted – Technically yes, but since one of the blog posts was also the YouTube video I’m not going to count it. So one blog & one video
Schedule social media posts every night – I started strong at the beginning of the week again and trailed off at the end :o(
Walk at least 20 minutes 3 of 5 workdays and at least 1 weekend day – I don’t think I did this once – eep!! I’m still working on setting aside time on my calendar each day
One Fit2be session each day (at least 10 minutes) – I haven’t figured out the best place to put this on my schedule

I’m going to keep these same goals for next week minus the lunch packing.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

Weekly Meal Plan & Goals – November 16, 2015

Weekly Meal Plan & Goals – November 16, 2015

You know, sometimes meal planning can seem like its not worth the time when it comes time to actually sit down and do it. But man, does it makes things so much easier as the week goes on! A busy week like last week full of extra-curricular activities & solo parenting makes a meal plan not just handy, but necessary. Having a meal plan kept us out of the drive thru line, our wallet a little fuller, and momma much less stressed!!

Weekly Meal Plan & Goals

So I was sure to make time to chart out the week and have a meal plan ready again for the upcoming week. Here it is!


Waffles (made extras over the weekend!)
Eggs – Brooke requested Eggs n’ Toast in a mug EVERY day last week!
Bagels w/ Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese




Slow Cooker Meatballs Over Buttered Noodles
Zucchini Sausage Ravioli
Stew & Biscuit Bake
Grilled Cheese Night
Pizza Night

This menu plan is linked to Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday link up.

Now for my weekly goals… What can I say, I’m a work in progress.

Mail a “Thinking of You” note to a friend – I bought the cards but haven’t mailed them
Bible study 5 of 7 mornings – I don’t remember how many mornings I did this but I did get caught up on my YouVersion bible reading plans by Friday
Lunches packed at night – I did this a couple nights and I’m not sure this works the way I’d hoped. I’ll try it for a couple weeks and re-evaluate
2 blog posts & 1 YouTube video posted – Technically yes, but since one of the blog posts was also the YouTube video I’m not going to count it. So one blog & one video
Schedule social media posts the night before – I started strong at the beginning of the week and trailed off at the end :o(
Walk at least 20 minutes 3 of 5 workdays and at least 1 weekend day – I only managed one walk…I am working on setting aside time on my calendar each day
One Fit2be session each day (at least 10 minutes) – I haven’t figured out the best place to put this on my schedule

I’m going to keep these same goals for next week.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat