Category: Tired Mommy’s Tales

School Lunches ~ Week of August 22nd

If you didn’t catch my “School Lunches Video FAIL” video last week, you might wondering why I didn’t have a video posted last week. I’ll give you a minute to click the link and catch up.

After that whirlwind trip to Michigan and back, we had to get right back into the swing of work and school – which of course means there were lunches to pack. I hope you find this week’s lunches give you some new ideas. Links to the items I use to pack these school lunches are below.

Items used in this week’s lunches {affiliate links}:

Easy Lunchboxes –

Easy Lunchboxes Mini Dippers –

Thermos FunTainer –

Princess Sandwich Container –

School Lunches

School Lunches Are Back – Week of August 8th

The 2016 – 17 school year has begun and that means it is back to packing lunches.

School Lunches Aug 8th

This week Brooke had a mix of old standbys like peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and taco salad. I also tried making a basic sandwich a little more fun by changing up the presentation a bit. She also enjoyed a warm sandwich when I packed up some leftovers in her Thermos.

We’re off to a great start!!

Items used in this week’s lunches:
Easy Lunchboxes –
Easy Lunchboxes Mini Dippers –
Thermos FunTainer –

Recipes used in this week’s lunches:
Slow Cooker Sloppy Joes –

On The Eve of the First Day of School

It’s time. 

The outfit has been chosen. 

The forms have been filled out, signed and dated.

We’ve attended Open House Night and met the new teacher. 

The items on the school supply list have been purchased and labeled. 

Summer is coming to a close and I don’t even remember it happening. 9 weeks just came and went. 

As I double checked the mental list of what needs to be done on a school night I realized this is the best day of the year. 

I haven’t screwed up yet. 

I haven’t forgotten to send a lunch or lunch money to school. 

Permissions slips haven’t been lost in the piles on my desk. 

No one has gone to school on picture day with bed head & a shirt with a spaghetti stain. 

I’ve signed up for FTO and not a single meeting has been missed. 

So tonight as I go to bed I can rest assured that I am on my “A” game with a perfect record for the school year with nothing to apologize for or to be ashamed of. 


Hurray for the Eve Of The First Day of School.