This week’s Working Mommy Wednesday prompt:
Show photos of autumn in your area.
I grew up in Michigan, where fall colors were prominent. Then for 6 years we lived in Texas where our seasons were scorching hot and hot. Not a lot of color change in the trees there. So I’ve absolutely embraced the transition from green to rich oranges, yellows and reds in the trees around us.
This photo is taken from my garage across the street of the pasture were we see cows grazing every day. This was a couple weeks ago and I wish I’d had time to take another one today because there are so many more colors now!
what a pretty hillside pic! the colors are beautiful 🙂
Steph from Be Positive Mom recently posted..Working Mommy Wednesday: Halloween Stories
Very pretty! Thank for sharing!! And please tell me you just changed your blog header or am I going crazy???
Rachel M. recently posted..Working Mommy Wednesday