Brooke LOVES helping me open packages that come in the mail. One day this summer, I got a prize pack from Johnson & Johnson with a tote bag full of their products, including a tube of Desitin. She was having fun putting the bottles in the bag and taking them back out so I left her to have fun while I got dinner started.
Then I realized it had been quiet for too long. You know what that means with a toddler in the house….
She had somehow busted through the factory seal on the tube of diaper rash cream and smeared it all over her face.
And clearly felt tremendous guilt over it.
At least her face was protected from rashes! So many of us have done the same prompt!
Very true!! She never got diaper rash on her face after that!! 🙂
🙂 🙂 That is too cute! Love the look on her face…..Kind of a preview of the teen years when she walks around the house with white acne medicine on her face! Hey, never thought of suggesting Desitin to my teenagers….who knows?
Thanks for sharing!
Krisit recently posted..What did they get into now Describe a time your toddler got into something they shouldn’t have
What a funny picture! I start to panic when things get too quite at my house.
JDaniel4’s Mom recently posted..Glow Crazy Distance Doodler Review and Giveaway
OMG! Your little girl is so cute! I just found your blog and I am glad that I did. 🙂 Erin
Thank you! I’m glad you found it too!
I’m headed to check out yours too!