Don’t you just love my original and highly creative title?!? Well, the reason I decided to participate in this carnival is because I tend to suffer from writer’s block and I thought this could get the juices flowing. So that’s all I got up there!
On to the questions for today!
1. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?
The first thing that comes to mind was the first time I had surgery for an ingrown toenail. My family doctor tried, bless his heart, but he didn’t have the specialized tools & skills that I later learned a podiatrist would have. I remember squirming on the couch in pain and my mom calling the nurse because I’d already maxxed out my painkillers for next couple hours.
2. How much sleep do you get at night?
Unless I’m stupid and let myself get sucked into blogs, message boards, Facebook or TV, I can bank on at least 7 hours. I’m in bed by 11:00pm and up at 6:00am. Well, that’s when my alarm goes off. I’m definitely out of bed by 6:30 when I have to get Brooke up or we won’t make it to school in time for breakfast.
3. How long did you believe in Santa Claus? How did you find out that he does not exist?
I don’t remember when I finally learned “The Truth” but I do remember the day in 4th grade when some stubborn kids who had figured it out was trying to make our teacher admit it to the whole class. She was doing her best to give ambiguous answers and not give it away. Those stinkin’ brats would not give up though. She got so frustrated because she didn’t want to be the one to burst that bubble. Man, I wish I could remember if they reached a compromise.
4. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
It’s probably not a good sign that I don’t know. Keith and I saw Iron Man 2 on Mother’s Day but I’m pretty sure we’ve seen one since May. Right? It was when his parents were in town in August. Ha! I had to email Keith to figure it out but it was The Other Guys with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg.
5. What do you wear to bed?
My bedtime wardrobe depends on the season. Sticky summer season is shelf tanks & capri pants. As it gets cooler, the legs of my pants & my sleeves get progressively longer. I’ll usually add socks to the mix as well because my feet get cold easily and once my feet are cold, my whole body feels cold. I’ll be totally honest and add that I also wear a night guard to keep from grinding my teeth.
I’m interested to hear that as the weather gets warmer you add layers of clothing. That sounds quite abnormal, but if it works for you!
P.S. Since we aren’t going to see you for the holidays maybe we need to discuss another sibling weekend-palooza. I miss you guys and the pics of Munch from Veterans day made me miss her even more! We could even discuss having everyone here if we did it over a long weekend of Jacq’s!
Ha! You caught a pretty fatal typo there didn’t ya!! As it gets COLDER I start to wear long pants and sleeves.